Solis was born into a wealthy family in London in the 1870’s and raised with a good education, especially in the local celtic languages, as her governess was Welsh and Cornish. She felt very little attachment to her family, instead called her closest friends, Myra and Adelaide as such. When Solis was nineteen Myra brought in a rather confused looking woman of about 25, who spoke little English, but instead a very archaic version of Welsh, whom Myra had dubbed Neriah, or Ner and N for short. Solis taught her English, which she picked up on quite quickly, and from this the two created a bond. Only a month or so into N’s stay Solis went to close a window and saw N standing in the rain, playing with a yellow ribbon, Solis’s confusion quickly turned to shock when the ribbon darted up and formed the shape of an umbrella, before actually becoming one. Despite how frightened she was, Solis knew to keep all knowledge of this under wraps and safe, especially since she had begun to notice Adelaide developing a rather scary infatuation with N, and N a much healthier one with Myra. Several months later Solis heard a muffled screech, and saw Adelaide standing over a bloody Myra, but when Adelaide turned about, it was not her face looking at Solis, but that of the dead girl beside her. Solis screamed for N and tried to escape, but was caught by Adelaide. N came , and saw Myra next to her own dead body holding a trussed Solis and immediately summoned her sword and defeated Adelaide. Adelaide was easily defeated, but N worried about having revealed her powers to Solis, who explained she had known for some time. N, now much less worried, offered to take Solis to her home in Wales, and Solis agreed.